Empfehlung: Battle Brothers - Strategie RPG mix

  • hiho

    ich hab da mal wieder ne empfehlung an die strategen unter euch


    es ist ein kniffliges strategien RPG mix im bereich low fantasy mittelalter szenario

    ich habe es selber erst seit kurzen mir macht es aber schon jetzt sehr viel spass und ich empfinde den doch recht hohen anspruch (selbst auf leicht) sehr schön

    schauts euch an ... kauft es :) sind fischköppe :D

    deutsche sprache wird nachgeliefert wenn die umsätze stimmen :D

    mod support ist wohl geplant

    alles wird Troll

  • Spiel ist ganz cool.

    Leider wird es keine Deutsche sprache geben wenn ich das ganze richtig verstanden habe

    What About Translations?After careful evaluation and talking with other developers, we’ve come to the conclusion that supporting additional languages for Battle Brothers is not something that we can do. As much as we understand that people want to play the game in their native language, at the end of the day we’ll have to make financially sound decisions if we want to keep developing Battle Brothers, and at some point a new game.

    So what’s the issue? You’re probably aware of how we chose the game’s particular art style due to our limitations of having only a single artist on the team (if not, you can read about it here[battlebrothersgame.com]). It’s the same with programming. Battle Brothers is a very ambitious project for so small a team, and with only a single programmer we had to cut a lot of corners in order to ever get it to the finished and stable state you’re now able to play, especially as the game started out as a hobby project alongside our day jobs. Lots of things had to be sacrificed along the way, including any support for localization.

    There’s more than 250,000 words now in the game (that’s more than half of what The Witcher 3 has!), and in many places, like character backgrounds, we combine various pieces of text to produce new ones. This works fine with English grammar, but it falls apart quickly as we move to other languages. Supporting other languages would therefore mean not only having vast amounts of texts translated, but changing how texts are used throughout the game. All this would have come with a significant cost both in terms of time and money that we had to weigh carefully against any potential gains, and against how we could otherwise spend those resources (e.g. create new content instead). Many of you offered to help with translations, and we’re very thankful for this. However, as you can see, things aren’t as simple, and technical hurdles make any kind of translation unfeasible.

    schade :(

  • soweit ich das irgendwo gelesen habe kann es doch noch so weit kommen das es auch in anderen sprachen erscheinen wird.

    problem ist halt das es viiiiel text ist und alles generisch erstellt wird ... besonders deutsch ist da wohl etwas schwerer :D

    aber schön das es dir gefällt :)

    alles wird Troll