Beiträge von Rincewind

    Nunja ich bin auch dabei. Und warum zur Hölle vergessen mich alle immer???

    Achja dann gibt es auch eine neues Update,

    StarMade 0.09378: Fixes, shield balance & new admin tools

    Hello and welcome to StarMade,

    this update contains some critical fixes for the servers, a pretty big
    change to shield balance, some new handy admin tools, and some general

    Server Fixes

    Some servers had problems since apparently closing a socket does not
    imply flush() on some machines. That basically means the connection
    drops without sending the last packet. This is causing clients to get
    EOF exceptions. Please note that you will get EOF exceptions
    with this version if you try to connect to a server that is not yet
    update to this version!

    Shield Balance

    I don't know yet if this works, but I have changed the balance of
    shields to be more powerful in smaller numbers and less overpowered in
    large numbers. The biggest change is an introduction of "shield
    recovery" on hit. This value is shown in build mode and determines the
    time in seconds the shields will start to recharge after a hit. This
    value depends on the amount of shild blocks placed on a structure.

    Here is the technical data:

    - shield balance:
    -- capacity: (shieldBlocks*3.5)^0.66666)*350
    recharge: (shieldBlocks*4)^0.48)*50
    -- introduced recovery when hit
    (by shield blocks used)

    Admin Tools

    I developed a system using abstraction of the original system to enable
    admin commands from anywhere.

    Console Commands

    console commands are now possible. Everything not starting with a
    forward slash is considered a broadcast message and will be posted in

    StarNet: remote lightweight admin tool

    With this tool (with or without GUI) it's possible to send starmade
    admin commands or chat (like the console commands) to any starmade
    server from anywhere. This system uses the Server super password (in
    server.cfg). You also have to switch the system on to be able to use the
    remote tool. (default is off, option in server.cfg)

    Here are the version (to be added to the download section)

    StarNet with GUI
    (windows only)

    StarNet with GUI
    (Linux, Mac, Windows)

    StarNet without GUI
    (Linux, Mac, Windows)

    General fixes

    - fixed shield shader
    - build in server check to check for spamming
    blueprint buy actions (10 sec)
    - fixed modified blueprint detector to
    only fire once and not on every block
    - fixed blueprint detector
    consequence system
    - fixed type setting method for block types over
    - fixed crash for ships with custom blocks with blocks over 256.
    fixed crash for ships with blocks that exceed the max block type value
    of 2048

    Thanks for playing StarMade,

    - schema

    Beim Shop kann man ja ein Kaufen. Es gibt aber auch ein anderes Fenster namens Catatlog, dort kann man das dann speichern. Und ich glaub es gibt den Bug, dass die auch mit Schilden Blöcke wegballern können.(war zumindest bei mir so...)

    Ja, das stimmt schon, aber es wird immer noch auf die ganze Rakete simuliert, das SAS. Es ist egal wo man es hin baut, überall ist es gleich stark.

    Naja, mal hoffen dass es dieses mal Funkt, spätestens aber mit der 0.20, wo dann ganz viele neue Sachen kommen. Aber es ist ja jetzt schonmal bei Steam erhältlich, dass erhöht wohl die Chancen :thumbsup: