Beiträge von Solocov

    Empire Earth (engl. für „Imperium Erde“) ist eine bisher dreiteilige Echtzeit-Strategiespiel-Serie für den PC, in der der Spieler eine Zivilisation durch die gesamte Menschheitsgeschichte führen kann. Die grundlegenden Spielprinzipien (so z. B. das Wirtschaftssystem) sind dem Konkurrenten Age of Empires sehr ähnlich.


    Ein paar News zu Gruppen treffen


    Empire Earth ist ein bekanntes Strategiespiel, deshalb dachte ich mir, dass wir mal alle EE über das Internet spielen und vielleicht dazu eine Weltmap per editor bauen.
    Da die Server für EE2 abgeschaltet wurden müsste man sich mit Hamachii behelfen.


    DayZ ist ein Survival-Horror-Spiel von Bohemia Interactive. Es erschien im Juni 2012 als Modifikation für ArmA 2 von dem Entwickler Dean Hall und wurde seitdem mit Hilfe der Community weiterentwickelt. Am 17. Dezember 2013 erschien auf Steam als Early Access die Stand-Alone von DayZ als erste Alpha-Version. Das Spiel soll laut dem Entwickler in etwa einem Jahr in die Beta-Phase überführt werden. DayZ ist eine Überlebenssimulation einer Zombie-Apokalypse. Im August 2012 wurde es als eigenständiges Spiel (Stand-Alone) angekündigt und wird aktuell von Bohemia Interactive mit Hilfe von Dean Hall weiterentwickelt. Die Alpha-Version der DayZ Standalone verzeichnete bereits über 170.000 Downloads. Seit Anfang August 2012 hat die Mod über eine Million registrierte Spieler.

    Am 16. Dezember 2013 ist die Alpha der Dayz Standalone erschienen. Der Hauptentwickler (Dean Hall) hat allerdings oft gewarnt, dass die Alpha Version kein vollständiges Spiel sein wird und nur zur Hilfe des fertigem Spiel sein wird. Sie besitzt immer noch Bugs, die das Gameplay stark beeinflussen. Daher rät Dean Hall davon hab die Standalone nicht zu kaufen wenn man eine Fertige Version erwartet.


    Ein paar News zum Entwicklungsstand (NEW 24.05.2015)

    Letzter StatusReport

    Dean Hall
    Working at RocketWerkz





    Ich(Solocov) : felix05022 oder Solocov
    Nenjo : TC.TaKen
    MadMitchell : jessyjames123 (bitte mit PN und dem ForenNamen sonst kommt ihr auf die Igno liste)
    Quabit : Quabit | MGN
    DirMa : dirma98
    Dany1337 : Dany1337
    Raiden2k5 : Raiden2k5

    Its official. Thanks to you and the awesome Steam community, MaK has been Greenlit for a worldwide distribution contract via the Steam platform. We're very excited, and we hope to have some intriguing news to share in the coming weeks. Thank You!

    Dieses Spiel hat von der Community grünes Licht erhalten!

    Die Community hat genug Interesse an diesem Spiel gezeigt. Valve ist nun mit diesem Entwickler in Kontakt getreten, um auf die Veröffentlichung auf Steam hinzuarbeiten.

    Veröffentlichungsdatum: Q4 2013

    auch von mir Hallo ,wenn du Hilfe bei Spaceshuttles brauchst kann ich dir helfen,da ich selber welche baue,die realistisch sind. (allerdings bin ich nicht so gut im bauen von Flugzeugen)

    Nenjo es kann ja sein das du dort in einem battle warst in dem 100 terraner beteiligt waren. Vielleicht wenn es zu stark lagt die Grafik runterschrauben. ( Nenjo auf welchem Server und in Welchem Team bist du ?)

    Ich hatte schon 70$ bei Kickstarter dafür gespendet, leider haben sie ihr Ziel von $350,000 nicht geschafft. Im Frühjahr wollten sie glaube ne Art Prototypen rausbringen. Das ganze sah ja auch schon recht spielbar aus.

    cool wusste ich gar nicht :D

    erinnert mich irgendwie an SPORE :D , wenn auch actionlastiger, aber ich steh auf solche Spiele!

    solche Spiele, die noch kein Mainstream sind, suche ich ja, da sie eine besondere Spielmechanik haben

    RTS space defense game on spherical environments with destructible everything and physics.

    Beyond the threshold of manned space travel is the void known as Blackspace. On this fringe, a territorial dispute has escalated to the brink of war. A cluster of extremely dense asteroids concealing enormous quantities of rare elements hang at the edge of the solar system. You lead your crews across these asteroids, extracting minerals, fulfilling contracts, and establishing bases. Piloting your powerful mining vehicle, take command of base operations, reshape the terrain, advance your technology, upgrade buildings, and hone base efficiency. Spread your bases across the asteroids, destroy the enemies, and harvest their carcasses to fuel your progress.

    Can YOU survive at the edge of Blackspace? Defend yourself!

    "Blackspace stands out from the bunch thanks to it’s wonderfully clean visuals and attractive design, but further distinguishes itself as you learn more about the game." - Greenlit Gaming

    "If what you saw there isn’t making you practically vibrate with excitement then you obviously have no soul." - IndieGameMag


    Destructible everything. Pretty much anything can be destroyed and harvested. The entire ground can be demolished down to the super dense core. Old wreckage, derelict mining bases, even your own demolished structures break apart and can be reclaimed.

    Discovery. We're adding the element of discovery to an RTS, not just through fog of war, but with the terrain itself. The terrain is a blanket covering resources, and technology. It becomes truly exciting to see that blip on your depth sensor indicating something beneath the surface. Anticipation of the dig, wondering what type of resource and the value it will have, and finally uncovering and extracting it. We want the resource discovery aspect to become a very gratifying and entertaining experience.

    Geological strategy. A base can be built anywhere the ground is level enough, but dirt is weaker than rock. The type and amount of resistance you are likely to face may change your decision to build right next to that element deposit in favor of building on more stable surfaces, then relying on your ability to defend resource transportation to your base. Additionally, there will be strategy in enemy routing. Ground traversing enemies will try to find the easiest path to their destination. A few well placed explosives could change their route significantly.

    Physics. Use physics to crush your enemies, smash them into one another or into the ground...or...if you're feeling primitive, drop a big rock on them. You can even test your trajectory skills and try to send them into orbit. The physics of the world are not only fun, they add a new dimension to whats possible in an action RTS.

    Customize. Your ship is customized to your play style. It has many different loadouts and upgrades that can be equipped, swapped, or expanded. These tools and attachments are the way you interact with the world. Far beyond a simple mouse click, you can sculpt the terrain, dig for elements, collect scrap, hoist wreckage, repair buildings and much more. The capabilities of your "Lander" are designed by you. If you like hanging back and letting your turrets do the talking, spend money on your regeneration systems or upgrade the scanner array. If your'e feeling a bit more vindictive, you can equip your mining tools with weapons-grade explosives and beef up your armor. Its up to you.

    Command. It's not just towers, while you're not babysitting hordes of units constantly like in many RTS games, you do build and command units, albeit a bit more passively. Your units will be constructed and deployed for many different tasks. There will be units that gather resources, repair and that even defend your base locally. Units in Blackspace will be intelligent and perform their tasks without much need for player contribution other than an order here or there when their duties are to be changed, though you'll need to setup defenses around their work sites if you expect any to survive. The interface will be quick and straight forward (no box selecting units).

    Nowhere to hide. This "map" has no corners. Enemies could potentially come from any direction. But, with some early scouting, and intelligence gathering, you will be able to predict the general direction of the front line so you can dig in and deploy before the enemy strikes.

    Structure alchemy? That's right, you can combine structures into grids, the arrangement and combination of structures will offer special enhancements to the operations within that grid.

    Occulus Rift VR. It's an innovative new VR headset and a recently successful Kickstarter. We are VR nerds and really want to support this.

    NVIDIA 3D Vision For those who have the hardware, you will be able to play Blackspace in full stereoscopic 3D with NVIDIA's 3D Vision technology.


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    (möglicherweise wird es wohl niemals released












    Mögliches Veröffentlichungsdatum: Q4 2013

    Planetside 2 (formerly known as PlanetSide Next) is an upcoming Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter (MMOFPS) game from Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) and is the sequel to their earlier game PlanetSide. The game is currently in beta (closing on November 16) and will be released November 20, 2012. Beta access applications are currently being accepted at the official Planetside 2 website.







    Wenn ihr Planetside spielen wollt, dann registriert euch und downloadet Planetside .
    (Wenn ihr einen Kämpfer erstellt nimmt bitte einen Terraner und geht auf den Server Cobalt
    (Bereits spielen aus dieser Seite Planetside : Dave der Zocker,Delta,Solocov,Sydamor

    Dieses spiel wurde bereits umsonst releast 8)

    Beschreibung in Englisch
    You find yourself in the midst of a strange and mysterious universe. Twisting, shattering islands hurtle perpetually through interstellar space. Underground lakes wrap eerily around cavern walls. Streams launch spontaneously boiling waterfalls into vacuum. The shadow of a mysterious ancient presence echoes through a distorted time-scape.

    MaK is a physics playground - A sandbox world with engaging game modes built on top of it. We wanted to make something that gives you a sense of discovery and wonder - where creativity is king - a place to explore and experiment - to compete and cooperate - with your friends. The major features that define the game experience, so far, stem from these concepts.

    MaK features relative gravity. There's no global up or down direction, and any surface can be a source of gravity. Simply traversing the game world becomes a unique experience. This allows us to build our levels in really interesting and unusual ways. Objects orbit and react to gravity wells. Characters run, swim, and build structures on different surfaces. It's a cool and mind-bending sight to behold, and a great place to play in.

    Building is at the creative heart of the game. It's simple to do, but deeply designed and as complex as you want to make it. The world of MaK is home to a variety of building blocks, each with its own physical properties. You can snap these cubes to build anything from simple weapons and buildings to complex traps, circuits, and modes of transportation. The list of cubes is growing and we plan to introduce new creative and exotic types in future video updates.

    Besides snapping blocks together, you get a gun that shoots grappling tethers. They work like stretchy bungee cords for anchoring, pulling and attaching things at a distance. They're conductive and you can use them to transmit signals and build circuits. They serve as a great weapon, too. The signal sent down the tether is a jolt of electricity, and if it's used on another player or enemy, it works like a taser.

    Building stuff on the fly brings great, unexpected moments and perpetually evolving strategies to enemy encounters, competitive multiplayer matches, as well as unique ways to co-operate with your friends.

    The Game
    MaK is now a fully functional prototype with working core mechanics, game modes, and assets. We're showing it pretty early in development.

    The gameplay experience comes in the form of both single player and multiplayer game modes that take advantage of the emergent properties of the sandbox mechanics and simulation. We started with traditional game modes like Deathmatch and a UT style Bombing Run (using our explosive cube, which makes the runner both vulnerable to attack and dangerous in close quarters), and we are working our way towards exciting new concepts that are entirely unique to the MaK universe, including a uniquely structured free-form single player/co-op campaign.

    Thanks for the awesome and encouraging response, guys. We really appreciate it!

    Let me take a moment to answer some of your questions:

    A few of you were wondering how our cover image relates to the gameplay shown so far. The world of MaK inhabits a deep fiction with a broad thematic range. The game will contain a non-linear campaign that wraps around an intriguing central plot, and all of the levels in the other game modes will expand on this fictional universe. In future updates we'll be showing more of the range of experiences you can expect. I think you will like the surprises we have in store.

    Gameplay Style
    MaK is not just a building game. In fact, the idea is to use the sandbox elements in the context of action oriented gameplay where you set traps, build temporary cover, and create weapons to fight enemies and interact with the strange fauna of the game world. There are also very direct ways of interacting with the world if you prefer a more fast paced approach. There will be a stand-alone game mode for experimenting, as well as lots of competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes.

    Other Platforms
    We intend to bring the game to multiple platforms, so Linux and OSX are both on the table. We are, however, in the research phase of possibly using DX11 to allow for even more possibilities... It is still too early to tell even if we will be using DX11, and in turn which platforms will definitely be supported.


    [align=center]Ein paar News zum Entwicklungsstand (NEW)

    Nun kommt aber die schlechte Nachricht:
    "Hey guys. Sebastian here. Sorry for the long silence. And sincere thanks to everyone who sent e-mails and posted asking about Make. I appreciate it. I just wanted to be sure where things stand before saying anything definitive about development. Until recently it seemed like things could go either way. After our kickstarter effort, the two other remaining team members left the project. Two of us briefly got together for GDC. After that, I continued to work on the game by myself and pitched the project to investors. I added features and even did a complete rewrite of the code at one point while preparing materials for a pitch. While I was trying to get all this going, the project came under legal pressure that made it unattractive to investors and prevented me from continuing to work on it. I made an effort to resolve the situation, but was ultimately unable to do so. As a result I have to announce that Make is on hold until further notice. Verge will probably be back in some form. I'm looking into some cool possibilities"
    Das bedeutet, dass das Spiel/ die Idee aus Rechtlichen und teaminternen Gründen eingestampft wurde und wohl nicht mehr herausgegeben wurde also RIP MAKE :(


    :| :( :( ;( :really:










    Asee Solocov

    Ähm 2 wichtige Ideen :
    1. Dockingport an der Seite
    2. Längere oder kürzere und stabile Landinglegs, DIE NICHT AUSGEFAHREN SIND :D <----Wenns die Schon gibt bitte link per Nachricht Schicken PLS

    3. (geht wahrscheinlich nicht) Items(WAFFEN) für die Kerbals im EVA
    4. Skycrane
    5. vielleicht anderes terain wie Wüste oder so
    6. Schiffe,Panzer,Ampfipanzer BF3 like
    und ihr macht super arbeit :D